With packaging tests & complete transport simulations, we ensure all packaging is well qualified for its use, meaning your products are protected all the way to their destination. Under laboratory conditions, the performance of your packaging is tested and confirmed to international standards and norms with a view to all the known, planned and likely transport loads.
Tests & simulations.
Packaging on the test stand.
We carry out packaging tests to international norms and standards and ensure that all requirements are complied with and the packaging exceeds the required performance. This covers all packaging materials & components for all types of products and any transport route.
Call and get information nowDefined product protection.
Data from tests & simulations are used to precisely substantiate what has been achieved by packaging development: maximum product protection for all foreseeable transport loads. In this way, questions of product, delivery and legal security can be planned.
More on the topic of product protectionMonitored transport routes.
Tested packaging systems ensure that your products are perfectly protected. With cocoon’s online transport monitoring, you also know whether your valuable goods in transit are being properly shipped: digitalised, global & in real time.
More on the topic of transport monitoringcocoon competences.
Advantages that can be measured.
Maximum product protection
through detailed and digital design.Clear cost reductions
through intelligent packaging and logistics solutions.A real packaging experience
marked by creative design & development.Save storage space
through on-demand production & the delivery of optimal batch sizes.Sectoral & market leaders entrust their high-quality products & important capital goods to out packaging from the start. This trust inspires our commitment. Our principle remains: considered customer benefit, at all times.