Eco-intelligent packaging functions with a minimum of materials and saves resources. Packaging solutions with eco intelligence impress with their maximum recyclability and are optimised for the circular economy.
Eco-intelligent packaging.
As much as needed. As little as possible.
Through an ecologically intelligent choice of materials and smart concepts, we achieve minimal packaging expenditure and protect the environment. Get involved.
Call and get information nowOur development is eco-intelligent.
“Perfection is not achieved when there is no more to add, but when no more can be left out.”
More about packaging and ecologyThe new benchmark.
Eco intelligence defines the goals of packaging from the start so that it is designed to save resources and support high levels of recycling, without compromising on security and high quality. This specialisation now impresses customers across Europe.
More about our sectoral solutionscocoon competences.
Advantages that can be measured.
Maximum product protection
through detailed and digital design.Clear cost reductions
through intelligent packaging and logistics solutions.A real packaging experience
marked by creative design & development.Save storage space
through on-demand production & the delivery of optimal batch sizes.Sectoral & market leaders entrust their high-quality products & important capital goods to out packaging from the start. This trust inspires our commitment. Our principle remains: considered customer benefit, at all times.